Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 9: A Picture I Took

Baby Hannah. I love this picture. I look at it often and can't believe how big she is.

Day 8: A Thank You Letter

Thank you has never felt strong enough. Every time I say the words, they never do my feelings justice. When I was younger, I had no idea. Even when I hurt and betrayed everything about our relationship, you both still stood up and held your hands out to me. Even when I didn't realize I needed help, your selflessness and love helped me through more than you can ever imagine. I know I wasn't always the best daughter. Maybe that's why I never felt like "thank you" was ever enough. Not only have you always been there, the examples you both show are always strong in my heart. You both stand strong in what you believe. And that has always given me strength to listen to what I believe and fight for it. (even if I may be wrong at times) Your hearts are so big. When ever I think of my parents, I think of two people who anyone could count on to do the best they can to help anyone in need. I think of two people who have a love for those around them. I see two people who have a love for each other that could withstand anything the world gives them.

Dad, your patience is something I have always been grateful for. Your wisdom is an inspiration. I know it seemed that I wasn't listening a good majority of the time, but I always knew if I had a question, you would have the answer. I also am grateful for the example you have shown through out your life when it came to people. You have always seen the good in those around you (with the exception of my boyfriends lol) I have tried to become more like you in that way.

Mom, I know it has never been easy to forgive me. But I thank you for every time you have. It takes a strong person to go through what I have put you through and still be able to say that you love me. You have taught me to forgive. You have also taught me something that I hold very close to my heart. You have taught me that I can overcome anything. That things will get hard and life will beat me down, but I know that I can get up because I have watched you get up. Over and over again you have stood up and continued. I know you don't believe me, but you are one of the strongest people I know.

I have learned so much from both of you. I truly believe I am a better person because of you. Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you.

Day 7: 5 things I could not live without

As I have gone through life, I have watched people who don't even have half the love and support that I have from my family. I don't know how I would have made it through my life if I didn't have my family.

2- LOVE:
For the past 5 years I have known Tyler's love and I can not even think of how life would be without it.

Not only singing. I love the power of music. There is nothing quite like hearing a song and feeling like it fits your soul.

4- WORK:
I know what you are thinking, "ya right!" Lol. But the last year has taught me a lot about myself. I have always known that it's impossible for me to sit still, but I learned that I like to keep busy. That I like the feeling of making my own money and buying my own things with that money.

I love the outdoors. I think back to when Tyler and I went to Mesa Falls. We stopped on the way home and pulled over by the river. We hiked up a small hill and at the top there was a view that I could never describe. Nature brings peace to the heart.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 6: A Moment I Wish I Could Relive

This one is difficult. I wish I could go back to the days that I had my own money but NO BILLS! lol. I had no idea how nice it was. Also, it would be nice to go back to the days where I could curl up on the couch with my whole family in one place. Eating and enjoying each others' company.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 5: Favorite Quote

"Bad things happen for good reasons" -Me

"Forget regret [and fear] or life is yours to miss" -"No Day But Today" from Rent

I have a million of quotes that I love, but these are two that always come to my mind.

Day 4: Favorite TV Show

Ok this is where Mom and Dad are going to raise their eyebrows at me. Avatar: The Last Airbender. Yes, it's a cartoon. But, it's an EPIC cartoon ok? The whole series is awesome! The movie was terrible just so everyone knows.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 3: Favortie Book

I love all the Harry Potter books, but this one was so good! There are so many riddles and turns. Much better than the movie by far!